Fault Report Wizard

[About Fault Report] [About Work Order] [To Create Fault Reports]


Use this wizard to enter a fault report. Each step of the wizard is categorized according to the information to be entered. When you complete the wizard, the fault report receives a work order number and is saved as an active work request/fault report.  

Use step 1 to connect an object to the fault report and to register the reported by and work order site information. The List of Values for the Object ID field only displays equipment objects where the contractor connected to the business-to-business user is connected as a party. However, it is possible to enter any object ID belonging to the site in the Object ID field.

Use step 2 to enter descriptions about the fault report and to enter the maintenance organization that will be correcting the fault.

Use step 3 to enter the priority given to correcting the fault, to enter information on how the fault was discovered and the symptom code.

Use step 4 to view a summary of all the information that you have entered while creating the fault report. Click Finish to save the fault report. Documents can be added to the fault report if necessary.

Activity Diagrams

Create Fault Report
Perform Work


Create Fault Report using the B2B Interface