Disposition Shop order - Complex Assembly Repair/LLP Tasks

[About Disposition Shop Order] [About Shop Order]

[To Execute Work Scope]


Use this tab to view the life limited part tasks associated with the current shop order disposition line. Life limited parts are parts for which a period of use, defined in terms of some operation parameter, such as engine life or number of shop visits, has been specified, after which time the part must be replaced. A part can have several operational parameters defined for it, depending on context: by part, by VIM template or by customer.

The LLP tasks visible in this tab have their origin in the Task Summary window in VIM. There you select from a list of suggested LLP tasks those which should be included in the work scope of the work order. These tasks are defined for real parts in a particular structure position, based on the information about the serial structure that VIM has. In a different part found scenario, it is possible that the parts identified during disassembly will require the same tasks, different tasks, or no tasks altogether. 

A disposition line item can only have an LLP task if the LLP Replacement check box associated with the disposition code is selected.

Activity Diagrams

Disposition overhaul object
