Matching Engine

[Employee Development]


Use this window to enter and change all parameters that are used in the matching process. You can also view the result of the process in this window.

The Matching Engine window contains three main tabs, plus a fourth for result information; it is dynamic and depends on the value for which you are searching. For example, if you have selected Job in the Find combo box in the General tab window, the tab will be named Result – Jobs, but if you have selected Employee, the tab will be named Result – Employees.

The following options are available via the Operations menu or the right mouse button:

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Matching Criteria, Distribution Lists, Matching Result - Employees, Matching Result - Jobs, Matching Result - Applicants

Activity Diagrams

Run Matching


Register Matching Name
Select Matching Criteria and Settings
Select Type of Matching
View Matching Result
Create Distribution Lists