Aggregate Competency Gap Analysis / Analysis by Competency

[Employee Development]


Use this tab window to produce an aggregate competency gap analysis, which is based on competency. All information shown in this window is query only. You cannot add, modify, or delete any items.

The following options are available via the Operations menu or the right mouse button:

Employee With Development Need... - Use this function to view all employees that need a development program, based on this analysis.
  • Employee With Incomplete Assessment... - Use this function to view all employees with an incomplete assessment process, based on this analysis.
  • Change Company... - Use this option to change the active company in the system. A dialog box appears from which you can select among the available companies to activate. 
  • Employee Competency Profile... - This function can be reached from the detail table only. Use this function to view employees that have been analyzed, based on Competency Group and Competency Level. 
  • Activity Diagrams

    Analyze Competency Gap