Wage Classes

[About Wage Class] [Administer Schedules and Rules]


The concept of a "wage class" was first introduced to keep basic data from different payroll systems separated in IFS/Time and Attendance. Since payroll systems uses their own set of wage codes and each employee is managed in one specific payroll system, there is a need to control which employee is connected to which payroll system. 

The "wage class" is an identifier that is used to separate all wage code dependent basic data. Day types, schedules, substitute schedules, increment definitions, flextime definitions, overtime rules etc., are all using wage codes in their set up.

The concept of "wage class" can also be used in case you would like to divide the schedules and rules basic data for some other reason than having several payroll systems. E.g., you may have different HR or payroll personnel managing the schedules and rules basic data for different employee categories. In this case the wage class can be used to keep the basic data separated so that each responsible only have to see their own data. 

Use this window to enter the wage classes you need. You must register at least one wage class in order to be able to enter any other schedule and rules basic data. If you are interfacing only one payroll system you should normally enter only one wage class.

 The employees are connected to the wage class in the Employee Schedules and Rules window.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Schedules and Rules