View Actual Revenues


Use this activity to view actual revenues for a work order. You can perform various queries and retrieve information with regard to work orders, objects, customers, customer orders, service contracts, etc.
There is a possibility to view a table of summarized costs and revenues. Use the RMB function to open the Search window. In the Query tab window you can enter different search criteria and in the Group and Sum tab window you can select how you want your data presented i.e., summarized or averaged etc.


Before you will be able to view actual revenues, the following must have been completed:

System Effects

As a result of this activity the actual revenue for the work order is displayed in the window


Work Order Cost/Revenue Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Work Order Cost/Revenue Analysis


Use the following procedure to view the information:

  1. Open Work Order Cost/Revenue Analysis window.
  2. Use the query function to find the work order for which you want to view the information.