Submit Tender on Order Quotation


This activity is used by the contractor to submit a tender on an order quotation using the business-to-business interface. After an order quotation is created, it is displayed on the business-to-business interface on the Reply on Work Order Tenders portlet for the contractors in the approved contractor list. These contractors can enter price information and submit a work order tender for the part and no part lines.


To perform this activity, an order quotation must be created and accessible to the contractor.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the order quotation line receives the Answered status.



Related Page Descriptions

Reply on Work Order Tender Portlet
Work Order Tender
Work Order Tender/Part Quotation Lines
Work Order Tender/No Part Quotation Lines


  1. Click on the WO No link on the Reply on Work Order Tenders portlet. The Work Order Tender page is opened.
  2. Enter price information for the part or no part lines and save the record.