Define Scheduling Configuration


This activity is used to configure the Mobile Workforce Management Integration. The following parameters are configurable:

Parameter Description Parameter values
Server Time Zone


The time zone in which the server is located defined according to the ISO standard. The time zone is used when scheduling work orders in the Dynamic Scheduling Engine or booking appointments in the Appointment Booking Engine. Select a valid value from the list, for instance Africa/Algiers, Europe/Berlin, America/Chicago, Asia/Dubai, Australia/Sydney.
Scheduling Workbench Directory The address of the server where the iSWB web service is installed. The value entered here will be displayed by default in the Scheduling Workbench window. A valid web address where the iSWB web service is installed, e.g. http://<MWFM_scheduling_server_name>/360ISWB.
Dataset Prefix The prefix that could be appended to a Dataset ID. Using a prefix makes it possible to use the same Dataset ID in many environments while using a single Mobile Workforce Management installation. The value entered is used to create the Dataset ID used in Mobile Workforce Management. Any value (e.g. COMP10), including a substitution variable (e.g. #DB_HOST#).
Dataset Schedule from WO Status This parameter sets the default value for Schedule from WO Status when creating new datasets. Select a valid value from the list, e.g. Released.
Load Transfer Method The default Transfer Method of the scheduling data for Load messages. Select a valid value from the list, Webservice or File.
Change Transfer Method The default Transfer Method of the scheduling data for Change messages. Select a valid value from the list, Webservice or File.
Schedule Receiver Makes it possible to define the data that should be included in outbound application messages, i.e. the messages which are produced for the scheduled tasks used to transfer data to the Scheduling Engine. The data entered in the value for this parameter will be shown on the Receiver field for each message.
  • #DATASET_ID# - The identity of the dataset entered on the scheduled task.
  • #INPUT_TYPE# - The input type entered on the scheduled task, e.g., LOAD, CHANGE and STOP.
  • #TRANSFER_ID# - The transfer ID which is generated when sending the messages to Mobile Workforce Management.
  • #SUBMISSION_TYPE# - Valid values are CHANGE when timeline information is sent, TIMELINE when empty or the same value as #INPUT_TYPE#.
  • #RECORD_COUNT# - The number of records in the Sch360_Transfer table marked for transfer. Only applicable for CHANGE messages. For LOAD messages it will contain *.
  • #PROCESS_TYPE# - The process type from the dataset, i.e., DYNAMIC or STATIC.
  • #COMPANY# - The company from the dataset.
  • #JOB_ID# - The identity of the background job. Only applicable if running as a background job.
  • #URL# - The address of the application server, e.g., http://<server name>:<port>.
  • #DB_NAME# - The name of the database.
  • #DB_HOST# - The name of the server the database is hosted on.
  • #EXTERNAL_DATASET_ID# - The identity of the dataset used in Mobile Workforce Management. This can be either :
    • Dataset Prefix-Dataset ID, if a dataset prefix has been defined or
    • The same as the dataset identity if no dataset prefix has been defined.
  • #ACTIVITY_ID# - This will display the Activity ID of for instance, an application message and will be quite useful when it comes to tracking application messages for Appointment Requests.
Schedule Information Makes it possible to define the data that should be included in outbound application messages, i.e. the messages which are produced for the scheduled tasks used to transfer data to the Scheduling Engine. The data entered in the value for this parameter will be shown in the Subject field for each message.
  • #DATASET_ID# - The identity of the dataset entered on the scheduled task.
  • #INPUT_TYPE# - The input type entered on the scheduled task, e.g., LOAD, CHANGE and STOP.
  • #TRANSFER_ID# - The transfer ID which is generated when sending the messages to Mobile Workforce Management.
  • #SUBMISSION_TYPE# - Valid values are CHANGE when timeline information is sent, TIMELINE when empty or the same value as #INPUT_TYPE#.
  • #RECORD_COUNT# - The number of records in the Sch360_Transfer table marked for transfer. Only applicable for CHANGE messages. For LOAD messages it will contain *.
  • #PROCESS_TYPE# - The process type from the dataset, i.e., DYNAMIC or STATIC.
  • #COMPANY# - The company from the dataset.
  • #JOB_ID# - The identity of the background job. Only applicable if running as a background job.
  • #URL# - The address of the application server, e.g., http://<server name>:<port>.
  • #DB_NAME# - The name of the database.
  • #DB_HOST# - The name of the server the database is hosted on.
  • #EXTERNAL_DATASET_ID# - The identity of the dataset used in Mobile Workforce Management. This can be either :
    • Dataset Prefix-Dataset ID, if a dataset prefix has been defined or
    • The same as the dataset identity if no dataset prefix has been defined.
  • #ACTIVITY_ID# - This will display the Activity ID of for instance, an application message and will be quite useful when it comes to tracking application messages for Appointment Requests.
Plan Information Makes it possible to define the data that should be included in the inbound application messages, i.e. the messages which are received from Mobile Workforce Management. The data entered in the value for this parameter will be shown in the Subject field for each message. Any text including substitution variables (e.g. Plan ID: #PLAN_ID#, Dataset ID: #DATASET_ID#, Type: #PLAN_TYPE#, Broadcast ID: #BROADCAST_ID# ).

The available substitution variables can be found in the parameter value list for Plan Information. 

Appointment Booking Layout Mode Makes it possible to define the appointment booking layout, i.e. grid layout, calendar layout or both. Possible values are "Calendar", "Grid", "Calendar,Grid" or "Grid,Calendar".
Request Timeout (Seconds) Makes it possible to set the timeout (in seconds) for an Appointment Request. If no offers are received from the ABE within the timeout then a warning message is raised.  Default is 60 seconds.
Offer Timeout (Seconds) Makes it possible to set the timeout (in seconds) for an Appointment Offer. If no offers are accepted within the timeout then the ABE releases the offered slots. The default value is 600 seconds.
Poll Rate (Seconds) Makes it possible to set the polling rate of the appointment window when an appointment request has been made and it is waiting for offers to be returned from the ABE. The default value is 1 second.
Cleanup Wait Time (Seconds) This is the parameter that tells the schedule task (Cleanup Scheduling) how often it should be carrying out its clean up job. Once it is triggered, the appointment request/ offers which are not handled get removed. The value should be in seconds.



System Effects



Scheduling Configuration

Related Window Descriptions

Scheduling Configuration


To configure the Mobile Workforce Management Scheduling Integration:

  1. Open the Scheduling Configuration window.
  2. In the Parameter Value field, enter a value for the parameter or select from the list.
  3. Save the information (F12).