Work Order Report Control

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Use this dialog box to select the type of reports you want printed for the selected work order structure. From the tabs in the dialog box you can select the work orders, work order operations and connected documents that are to be included in the report printout(s).

The following table shows the types of reports that can be ordered for the selected work order structure:

Report Type Description
Cover Sheet The cover sheet provides information on the selected work order, i.e., the top work order in the selected work order structure.
Work Order Index This report provides an index of the child work orders for which the Include? check box is selected in the Work Orders tab.
Work Order Information This report provides a printout of each work order included in the selection.
Work Order Operation Index This report provides an index of all work order operations for which the Include? check box is selected in the Operations tab.
Work Order Operations This report provides a printout of the work order operations included in the selection. Two pages are printed per operation, where the second page is considered the main page for the technician's feedback. Note that work order operations in either the Work Done, Finished or Cancelled status will not be included in the printout.
Document Index This report provides an index of the reference documentation connected to the work orders and/or work order operations that are included in the selection. Only documents for which the Include? check box is selected in the Connected Documents tab will be included in this report. Note that a document will only be listed once even though it may be connected to more than one work order and/or work order operation in the structure.
Connected Documents Provides a printout of the actual contents of connected reference documents that are included in the selection.

For the description of each tab in the dialog box, follow the appropriate link: Work Orders, Operations, Connected Documents.

Activity Diagrams

Execute WO
Reports, WO Processing 


Print Work Order Structure Report