Define Work Scope/Define Work Scope
Use this tab and its sub-tabs to set the appropriate maintenance level for each
component part in the structure that assigned modifications or LLP (Life Limited
Part) tasks.
Maintenance levels must be defined for each component in the structure which
requires further disassembly. You can:
- Navigate portions of the manufacturing structure graphically.
- Identify at each structure level any tasks identified for the selected
part and its components.
- Review, with the option of accepting or overriding, the maintenance level
proposed by the system based on these tasks.
- Validate the maintenance levels you have selected will expose the parts
requiring maintenance and resolve any identified problems.
- Generate a report listing On Exposure modifications to be considered for
inclusion during work scope definition based on maintenance level settings.
- Generate a report listing On Condition modifications to be considered for
inclusion during work scope execution after disposition has occurred.
- View an maintenance level overview for the structure.
For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link:
Assign Maintenance Level,
Affected Part Tasks,
Part Maint Level History,
Maintenance Level Summary,
Log Details.
Activity Diagrams
Configure and
approve work scope
suggested maintenance level
Calculate best maintenance levels for tasks
Check on exposure modifications
Check on condition modifications