Task Summary

[About Define Shop Visit Work Scope] [About Off Logs and On Logs] [To Manage Line Maintenance] [To Scope Maintenance Visit] [To Define Work Scope]


Use this window and its tabs to analyze and identify the tasks to be performed during the shop visit as well as to add the task records (i.e., Life Limited Part and Modification tasks) to the work scope. This is the work scope that was created for your overhaul object's (e.g., aircraft engine) shop visit.

A work scope is generated using the complex assembly work order created for an overhaul object. Complex assembly work orders are created for VIM serials using the Create Work, Dispatch and Receive Order assistant.

The following table shows the right mouse button options which are available in this window:

RMB Options Description
Calculate All Tasks Select this option to calculate due dates for all tasks (i.e., LLP and Modification tasks) created for the selected part.
On Exposure Modification - Report Select this option to open the report that will list all on-exposure modifications that are missing in the work scope. This report can only be used prior to the disassembly phase of the overhaul object.
On Condition Modification - Report Select this option to open the report that will list all on-condition modifications that are missing in the work scope. This report can only used after disassembly of the overhaul object has started.

Note: When this window is opened from the Active Work Orders window, data will only be displayed if the selected work order is a complex assembly work order.

It will be possible to view information on the selected work order by selecting the Complex Assembly Work Order right mouse button option. This will open up the Complex Assembly Work Order window and all the information connected to the work order.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: LLPs, Modification, Expected Off Log, Off Log, Expected On Log.

Activity Diagram

Perform Due Calculations
Configure and Approve Work Scope
Disposition Overhaul Object


Perform Due Calculation
Check On Exposure Modifications
Check On Condition Modifications