Log On

Use IFS Applications to manage information, most of which is stored in a database server somewhere in the corporate network. To use IFS Applications to manipulate the information, you must first log in to IFS Applications. The way you log on to IFS Applications may differ based on the authentication method used on the web server you connect to. Authentication may be done by either the web server or IFS Applications. If it is set to authenticate through IFS Applications you will see the log on page below.

For sites with multi-language support, links for the list of active languages for the current site are displayed. By pressing one of the links the user-preferred language can be changed. It will be saved in a cookie for future use.

Login Dialog when the authentication is done by IFS Application.

If an error occurs, other than when you have specified an invalid username or password, You may see logon error.

In this case try again or contact your system administrator for assistance.