Register Training Need

[Training Administration]


Use this window to register training needs. It is possible to update and delete the record if the status is Planned.

Action Lists available in this page:

Find Available Training - This action list will open the Available Training page, which displays all available training events for the specified course. The system displays all Published or Confirmed training events that include the specified course. If no available training is found you will end up in a dialog asking if you want to register a new training need for that course.

For descriptions of closely related pages, follow the appropriate link in the navigate menu:

My Training Program, (Employee Registered Training Event) which displays all training events for which the specified logged on employee has registered.
My Training History, (Employee Training History) which displays the training history of the specified employee.
Available Training, which displays all Published or Confirmed training events registered in the system.
Course Catalogue, which displays all courses registered in the system.
Completed Trainings, which displays all your Completed training events.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Training Administration