View Employee Time and Attendance Information


This activity is used to view time and attendance information of your employees. It should be used for analysis of absences, wage codes or schedules of your entire team.
You can check availability of your subordinates based on their schedules, jobs, positions or organization assignments. By setting up correct filters you can quickly make informed decisions regarding planning and approving of absences or organizing work for your team.


In order to perform this activity, a calendar template has to be defined in the Team Calendar Setup window.

System Effects

There are no system effects.


Team Calendar

Related Window Descriptions

Team Calendar


  1. Open the Team Calendar window.
  2. In the Period area, select the time period from which you will display information.
  3. In the Valid on Date field, enter the date from which your access definition will be used. This step has several consequences:
  4. In the Template ID field, enter the identifier of a calendar template. This template determines what data you can see (wage codes, absences, schedules etc.)
  5. In the Subordinates area, you can quickly select if you will see all of your subordinates by clicking All option, or only your direct subordinates by clicking Direct option.
  6. In the Schedules area, you can select if you want to select Shifts, Day Types, or Week Types to be displayed as the background for the calendar. (This area might be hidden, right click the header and click Additional Configuration to show it).
  7. If the colors are too bright, you can select the Faded Colors check box.

    This is the end of the basic configuration, you can click the Populate button to load your subordinates onto the calendar. If you want to prepare a specific employee selection, follow additional steps:

  8. Go to the filters area at the bottom. You might need to open it by clicking and holding on the edge of the filters area and dragging it up.
  9. On the Organizations, Positions, Schedules, and Jobs tabs, you can prepare a selection of employees you wand to display on the calendar. Each tab is a set of your subordinates presented according to a different property (their organization, position, schedule or job). When you select multiple conditions from a single tab, the amount of selected employees increases. When you select conditions from multiple tabs, the calendar will show only employees who meet requirements from all tabs.
    Example: Selecting an organization unit loads all employees from the organization unit. Selecting a second organization unit will load employees from both organization units. Selecting a position will show employees from both organization units who have the selected position.
    Refer to window and tab descriptions for more information.
    Click Add Selected to add employees assigned to the selected item.
    Click Add Branch to add employees assigned to the selected item branch (valid only for Organizations and Positions tabs)
  10. If you want to save your employee selection, you can click Save and name it. Later on you can reuse it by selecting in in the Saved Filters area.

    This is the end of the advanced configuration, you can click the Populate button to load your selected subordinates onto the calendar.