Query Wage Code Hours


This activity is used to analyse how many hours employees spend on activities connected to different wage codes or wage types. You can view ,e.g., the summarized number of hours employees are scheduled to work or who was present at work. You can combine up to twelve wage types and wage codes. You can also perform additions, subtractions and divisions in various calculations. It is possible to save your queries so that you can use them at a later time.


Wage Hours Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Wage Hours Analysis


  1. Open the Wage Hours Analysis window.
  2. In the From and To fields, enter the time period from which data will be displayed.
  3. In the graphical organization tree, select a node for which you will display data. The organization tree represents all companies and matrix organizations that you can access. Nodes connected directly to the Organization Tree (the root of the structure) at the top are eighter entire companies or matrix organizations. If you expand them, you will see their organization unit nodes.
  4. Select one of the options under Display Data From.
  5. If you select the Summarize Employee Data check box, all records registered by the same employee on a specific wage code will be merged together.
  6. If you have a data selection template, you can load it by pressing Load in the Data Selection Template area, and selecting a relevant template.
    If you don't have a selection template prepared, you will have to define what data you want to display. To do this, use fields under the Employee Data Selection area. In each of the 12 fields you can enter:
  7. To populate the table with data that meet requirements specified in previous steps, click Populate.
  8. Examine the data.
  9. You can right-click the table and click Graph in order to display all currently selected records in form of a graph.
  10. If you would like to save data selection settings you prepared under Employee Data Selection, you can save them as a data selection template. To do so, click the Save button located under the Data Selection Template area. A dialog box will appear.
  11. Enter the name for the template and press OK.