Maintain Time Card Information for Individual Employee


This activity is used to check, change, and complete clockings and results. For most of these tasks, you can use Time Card -Day in which you work with one day and one employee at a time. In the header of the Time Card Day window, you can see if the employee has been assigned to a new day type (Deviation Day), whether there are notes entered for the employee for the day and if the registered hours have been confirmed, authorized, or transferred. Furthermore, you are informed if there is any history for the hours.     

Time Card - Day contains three tabs displaying the information that has been registered for the day. The Results tab contains the results that has been registered manually or calculated. The Intervals tab displays the clocking intervals that are the basis of the calculated results. Both of these tabs allow users to modify existing or create new information, as a method of keeping the time card up to date. 

Time Card - Day contains a third tab, Clockings, that displays external clockings as they where when captured by or sent from an external application e.g. a clocking terminal or other system. The information in this tab can be changed in Time Card - Day; maintenance can also be performed in the Employee  Clockings window. This window allows you to view details about and, if necessary, create a new or modify a transaction registered from a data capture terminal, an external system etc. The information displayed in the Clockings tab and Employee Clockings is the original transaction information, which, through this function is translated, adjusted etc. before it is saved into the ordinary business flow and used by the application e.g. as the basis for a clocking interval. By modifying the external transaction in the Time Card Day/Clockings tab or Employee Clockings window you also change associated clocking intervals in Time Card - Day. However, clocking intervals may be modified without changing the mother-transaction. Caution is recommended in this case, because the original clocking transaction can in some cases be used to re-generate clocking intervals.  


Before adjusting time transactions, the following must have been completed:


Time Card - Day
Employee Clockings

Related Window Descriptions

Time Card - Day
Employee Clockings


First, you select the employee and the day you wish to operate. To select the day, either select a date from the list or enter the date in the Date field, then press Enter.

Register Deviation Day by assigning new day type:

  1. In the Day Type field, enter the new day type. You can use the list of values to select a day type.
  2. The Deviation check box is automatically selected to show that a new day type (Deviation Day) has been linked to employee for the day.
  3. With the new day type you can do the clockings and result, as usual. See Create Clocking.

Confirm the hours of the day:

  1. In the Operations menu, select Confirm.
  2. The Confirmed box is highlighted to show that the day has been confirmed.

Remove confirmation for the hours of the day:

  1. Select Remove confirmation in the Operations menu.
  2. The highlight in the Confirmed box disappears.

Note: You cannot confirm or delete confirmation for authorized and transferred hours.

Authorize hours for a day:

  1. Select Authorize, in the Operations menu.
  2. The Authorized box is highlighted to show that the day is authorized.

Remove Authorization for the hours of a day:

  1. Select Remove authorization in the Operations menu.
  2. The highlight in the Authorized box disappears.

Note: You must have authorization rights for the current person to be able to authorize/remove authorization. You cannot authorize/delete authorization for transferred hours.

Show history:

  1. To view history about the information in the upper part of the window, place the cursor in one of the fields, then select History in the Commands menu.
  2. To view history about clockings, place the cursor in the Clocking tab and select History in the Commands menu.
  3. To view history about results, place the cursor in the Result tab and select History in the Commands menu.

See the History section for more information about the history function.