Check Work Time Compliance


This activity is used to compare one or several employees registered work time with a set of rules governing work and rest time in the company. It mainly provides you with a tool to perform work time follow up according to the European Working Time Directive. It is also applicable to follow up other rule based working time, i.e., overtime, rest time, or employee presence. 

If the analysis generates alerts, i.e., if work or rest time limits have been violated, the analysis displays the cause of that alert, for example, too much overtime or not enough rest time. It is also possible to create analyses that displays all the results, and not only those that are caused by a limit being exceeded.  

The comparison is started from a dialog box that guides you in the set up of the analysis. Each analysis is saved with an ID and a name. This helps you to find an analysis easily to, for example, repeat an analysis. The result is presented in a separate window that supports group and sum for advanced queries and summaries based on the generated result. Analyses are also available in an overview window, which users may use to, for example, clean the database from obsolete analyses or to query for analyses. An analysis can also be printed as a paper report. 


A work time compliance rule, and employee records with connected schedules and registered work time are required before the comparison can be processed.

System Effects

The comparison result is saved to the database and displayed in the result window or printed on a paper report.


Work Time Compliance Comparison
Work Time Analysis
Work Time Analysis  Log

Related Window Descriptions

Work Time Compliance Comparison
Work Time Analysis
Work Time Analysis Log


  1. Start the Work Time Compliance Comparison dialog box. 
  2. Enter a name for the analysis.
  3. Enter one or several employee numbers manually or use the List of Values.
  4. Specify a reference period by setting the dates in the Comparison Start and End Date fields.
  5. Select the comparison rule that applies to the selected employees.
  6. Define whether the result should contain all the results or alerts only.
  7. Uncheck the Alerts Only check box if you want the analysis to contain all results. Leave the box checked to display alerts only i.e. rows that are the result of a compliance rule limit being exceeded. 
  8. Leave the Rolling result comparison check box unchecked if the result should be presented as time periods following upon each other or check it to present the result as a rolling time period. 
  9. The Work Time Analysis window is opened automatically when the comparison is completed. Please take into consideration that a long time span in the Comparison Start and End Date fields might affect the performance of the calculation.