Check Employee Presence


This activity is used to view employees who are currently present or absent. Whether employees are present or not is indicated by the Present check box. Employees who have clocked in at the system time or prior to the system time are considered as present employees. You can view the employees by selecting the relevant supervisor in the header of the window.

You can offset the system time by a number of hours by specifying a value in the Time Offset field. This can be used when you have employees clocking in to work using a time clock terminal in a different time zone.

The organization code to which the employees are linked will also be displayed. The Remark field will display the scheduled IN and OUT times of the employee and if the employee is absent, it will display the absence code the employee has registered.

You can view subordinate employees of all the supervisors to whom you have position access granted.


Present Employees

Related Window Descriptions

Present Employees


  1. Open the Present Employees window.
  2. Enter a supervisor in the Supervisor field. You can use the list to select the supervisor of the employees you want to view. If you select All, you can view the presence of all employees to whom you have access. If you select * you can view the presence of employees assigned to positions in the top most level of the graphical position structure provided that you have access to those positions. 
  3. If you want to match the system time with the time in another time zone, enter the number of hours in the Time Offset field.
  4. Refresh to view data in the table.