Enter Tax Template Column Control


This activity is used to enter the column control for a selected, user-defined tax template. This can involve entering new columns to a tax template and/or modifying information relating to columns that are already included in a tax template.


In order to perform this activity,

System Effects

As a result of this activity, the column control entered for the template will apply when selecting the columns to be used in a tax report based on the template.


Tax Templates

Related Window Descriptions

Tax Templates
Tax Template Column Control Basic


The following procedure can be used to enter a new column to a tax template.

  1. Open the Tax Templates window and query for the tax template for which you want to enter a new column.
  2. Select the record, right-click and then click Column Control Basic to open the Tax Template Column Control Basic window.
  3. Create a new record in the table.
  4. Enter a number for the new column in the Template Column field.
  5. Enter a description for the new column in the Description field.
  6. Select an appropriate value from the list for the Field Amount Type field to specify the amount type of the column.
  7. Enter the number of decimals that the tax amount printed in the tax report should include in the Decimals in Tax Amount field.
  8. Save the information.

The following procedure can be used to modify any information relating to columns that already exist in a tax template.

  1. Open the Tax Templates window and query for the tax template for which you want to modify information relating to the columns.
  2. Select the record, right-click and then click Column Control Basic to open the Tax Template Column Control Basic window.
  3. Populate the table and do the necessary modifications to the existing columns in the tax template.
  4. Save the information.