Outgoing Supplier Invoice

Description of process

The Outgoing Supplier Invoice process is used for entering, creating and printing outgoing supplier invoices. Outgoing supplier invoices are used to invoice the supplier. This kind of invoice is used for:

Outgoing supplier invoices have no connection to stock, but they require sales objects. After the invoice has been created, it is printed. The printing is handled within the system by a separate printing function. The printing creates a voucher in the hold table in IFS/Accounting Rules.

Before outgoing supplier invoices are printed, you should check whether the required data has been entered in the Invoice tab of Company in the Enterprise module IFS/Enterprise. If any text should be added to the footer of the invoice, that text should be entered before the invoice is printed. Until an invoice is printed, it has a preliminary ID created from a preliminary number series. Once the invoice is printed, it is finalized and given a final invoice number. More than one invoice can be printed at a given time in the Print Invoice window. After an invoice is printed, it can be reprinted if required.

Printing an invoice creates a voucher in the hold table pending updating in IFS/Accounting Rules. This voucher is created in a way similar to that of a credit note as follows:

If a print error occurs, no voucher is created, but incorrect voucher lines can be viewed in the Outgoing Supplier Invoice with Posting Errors window. Once the error has been resolved, a voucher should be created.