Manually Match Invoice with Sub Contract Payment Certificates


This activity is used to manually match supplier invoices with subcontract payment certificates using posting proposals. The net amount of the supplier invoice is compared and matched with the total amount of the payment certificates that have been issued for the sub contract or sub contract line items. The posting lines will be automatically created when the invoice lines are matched. If the amounts do not match, an additional posting line is required to be manually entered for the difference amount.

Cost postings connected to each sub contract line will be retrieved as individual posting lines to the invoice.


System Effects


Manual Supplier Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Manual Supplier Invoice
Posting Proposal


To match supplier invoice with sub contract payment certificates using posting proposal:

  1. Open the Manual Supplier Invoice window.
  2. Enter a new invoice or query for the relevant supplier invoice. The invoice is required to be connected to subcontract payment certificates by adding the sub contract reference.
  3. Right-click on the header part of the window and click Posting Proposal to open the Posting Proposal window.
  4. Right-click on invoice line and click Match Certificates per Line to open the Post from Sub Contract window.
  5. Select and match the subcontract payment certificate lines you want.