Add Authorizers Manually


This activity is used to manually add authorizers to a supplier invoice in a posting proposal company. Authorizers are usually added automatically to all the posting lines via authorizer assigning rules and authorizer rules. If these rules are not defined, the authorizers should be added manually.

The sequence numbers for the authorizers are created in tens like 10, 20, 30. This makes it easy to manually add an authorizer in an already existing sequence.


In order to perform this activity, invoice posting authorizers should exist in the Invoice Posting Authorizers window.

System Effects

As a result of this activity, authorizers will be manually added to the posting lines, and the invoice will be ready for final posting.


Posting Proposals
Manual Supplier Invoice

Related Window Descriptions

Posting Proposals
Manual Supplier Invoice 
Posting Proposal

Instant Authorization


  1. Open the Posting Proposals window.
  2. Populate or search for the posting proposal to which you want to add authorizers.
  3. Follow the following procedures depending on the window in which you want to perform this activity.

To add an authorizer for all the lines in the Posting Proposal window:

  1. Select the record, right-click and then click Posting Proposal. The Posting Proposal window opens. (Note: This window can also be opened by right-clicking on the Manual Supplier Invoice window and then clicking Posting Proposal.)
  2. Click on the Authorize tab. You can then choose to either add an authorizer or authorizer group for all the lines in the posting proposal or for one specific posting line in the posting proposal. 
  3. Create a new record in the Authorize Summary table.
  4. The ID of the company for which the voucher is created on the invoice, is displayed in the Voucher Company field. Modify this if required.
  5. Select a value for the Authorization Type field.
  6. If you selected Individual as the authorization type, specify the identity of the user you want to add as an authorizer in the Authorizer field. You can change the role of the user to Acknowledger in the Role field if required. If you selected Group as the authorization type, enter the ID of the authorizer group you want to add as an authorizer in the Authorizer Group ID field. Select the required role for the group in the Role field from the List of Values. The status of the authorization is displayed in the Authorization field and the total amount that will be authorized or acknowledged by the user is displayed in the Amount in Acc. Curr. field.
  7. Save the information. 

To add an authorizer for a specific line in the Posting Proposal window:

  1. Create a new record in the Authorize Details table.
  2. In the Row ID field, enter the ID of the posting proposal line to which you want to add an authorizer, or select the required ID  from List of Values.
  3. Enter the sequence order of the specific authorization if the invoice is to be sent for authorization on a consecutive basis (i.e.if Use Consecutive Authorization is selected for the Authorization Routing field in the Enterprise/Company/Invoice/Supplier Invoice Workflow tab).
  4. If you want to change the company for which the voucher is created, change the value displayed in the Voucher Company field.
  5. Enter the ID of the user you want to add as an authorizer in the Authorizer field. If you want to change the role of the user, select the required value from the List of Values for the Role field.
  6. Save the information.

Note: The other fields in the table is for informational purposes only and cannot be modified.

To add an authorizer for all the lines in the Instant Authorization window:

  1. Select the record, right-click and then click Instant Authorization. The Instant Authorization window opens. 
  2. You can then choose to either add an authorizer or an authorizer group for all the lines in the posting proposal or for one specific posting line in the posting proposal. 
  3. Create a new record in the Authorize Summary table.
  4. The ID of the company for which the voucher is created on the invoice, is displayed in the Voucher Company field. Modify this if required.
  5. Select a value for the Authorization Type field.
  6. If you selected Individual as the authorization type, specify the ID of the user you want to add as an authorizer in the Authorizer field. You can change the role of the user to Acknowledger in the Role field if required. If you selected Group as the authorization type, enter the ID of the authorizer group you want to add as an authorizer in the Authorizer Group ID field. Select the required role for the group in the Role field from the List of Values. The status of the authorization is displayed in the Authorization field and the total amount that will be authorized or acknowledged by the user is displayed in the Amount in Acc. Curr. field.
  7. Save the information. 

To add an authorizer for a specific line in the Instant Authorization window:

  1. Right-Click in the Instant Authorization window and click Authorization Details. The Instant Authorization dialog box opens.
  2. Create a new record in the table.
  3. In the Row ID field, enter the ID of the posting proposal line to which you want to add an authorizer, or select the required ID  from List of Values.
  4. Enter the sequence order of the specific authorization if the invoice is to be sent for authorization on a consecutive basis (i.e. if Use Consecutive Authorization is selected for the Authorization Routing field in the Company| Invoice| Supplier Invoice Workflow tab).
  5. If you want to change the company for which the voucher is created, change the value displayed in the Voucher Company field.
  6. Enter the ID of the user you want to add as an authorizer in the Authorizer field. If you want to change the role of the user, select the required value from the List of Values for the Role field.
  7. Save the information.

Note: The other fields in the table is for informational purposes only and cannot be modified.