Perform Customer Tolerance Check, Manually


Business contracts often include allowable schedule variances with perhaps financial penalties for the customer if violated. It can therefore be crucial for the supplier to present actual facts and figures associated with the schedule variances' violations.

The two main tolerance calculations are cumulative schedule tolerance and bucketed schedule tolerance call-off.

  1. Cumulative Schedule Tolerance: This check shows the cumulative effect of the releases. The quantity per day is compared to the same period of time for a previous schedule. The variations are also measured per day on the basis of cumulative requirements.
  2. Bucketed Schedule Tolerance: This check summarizes schedule quantities into the buckets defined by the schedule template. Accumulations in like-size buckets are compared to a tolerance percentage defined for each bucket in the template.

Users can choose to execute the tolerance check either manually or automatically. 'Automatic' tolerance check means that tolerance checks are run automatically upon approval of the customer schedule. The manual tolerance check can either be executed in the Tolerance Check Customer Schedule window, the Customer Schedule window, or the Customer Schedules window.

Note: A tolerance check can be performed even if the approver is blocked for use.


The conditions for the tolerance check method have to be entered in the customer schedule agreement.

System Effects


Tolerance Check Customer Schedule
Customer Schedule

Customer Schedules

Related Window Descriptions

Tolerance Check Customer Schedule
Customer Schedule
Customer Schedules


From the Tolerance Check Customer Schedule window:

  1. If you wish to run a tolerance check of all existing schedules, leave all fields blank.
  2. If you wish to run the process for a specific customer or schedule, indicate the data in the appropriate field.
  3. Execute the process by clicking OK.

From the Customer Schedule window or the Customer Schedules window:

  1. Query for the schedule in question.
  2. To execute the tolerance check, right-click and then click Tolerance Check.