Resolve Error in Incoming Customer Schedule


Sometimes an incoming message fails to be converted into an order or schedule, due to missing or incorrect data. In this case the message will receive the Stopped status and a description of the error is displayed in the Error Message field.

You can, among others, alter the delivery address and the customer part in the message header, most data on the Customer Schedule and Previous Dispatch tabs, and delete order lines in the Schedule Line tab.

If the error is unchangeable, you can always cancel the message and ask the supplier to resend a correct message.


System Effects


Incoming Customer Schedule
Incoming Customer Schedules

Related Window Descriptions

Incoming Customer Schedule
Incoming Customer Schedule/Customer Schedule
Incoming Customer Schedule/Schedule Line
Incoming Customer Schedule/Previous Dispatch
Incoming Customer Schedules


  1. Open the Incoming Customer Schedule window or the Incoming Customer Schedules window.
  2. Search for the stopped message or query for messages with Stopped status.
  3. Study the text in the Error Message field and correct the necessary data.
  4. Right-click and then click Approve, and study the result.
  5. If the message still is in Stopped status, repeat point two and three. If the status is changed to Created, the correction is completed and the message is converted into a schedule.