Enter Customer Schedule Line


Use this activity to enter a customer schedule line. This is a mandatory task if using customer scheduling.

Note that in most cases, the lines are automatically generated, not manually created, from the EDI message, DELINS, that is sent from your customer. This automatic handling makes customer scheduling faster and more efficient.

Customer schedule lines are used for indicating the desired due date for each delivery, desired quantity, and line type of the schedule line. The desired quantity can either be entered as a specific quantity on each line or as a cumulative quantity. If the cumulative quantity is entered, the system calculates the quantity due by using the indicated cumulative figures. The base cumulative quantity is stored on the schedule as the reference point.

A customer schedule is entered in two steps: the header and the schedule lines. To enter a line, the header must first exist.


This activity has the following prerequisites:

System Effects

As result of this activity:


Customer Schedule

Related Window Descriptions

Customer Schedule/Lines


To perform this activity, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Customer Schedule window.
  2. Query for the customer schedule ID.
  3. On the Lines tab, create a new record.
  4. In the Due Date field, enter the due date for the delivery. This value is either the delivery date or customer receipt date, as defined in the Customer Order module.
  5. Either enter the specific quantity for each delivery in the Qty Due field, or the cumulative quantity in the Qty Due Cum. field. If you choose the latter, the system will calculate and display the correct quantity due for each delivery.
  6. To use an alternate delivery site, select the site from the List of Values in the Alternate Release Site field.
  7. To change the line type, select a different type in the List of Values in the Line Type field.
  8. To select an alternate supply, click the code from the List of Values in the Alternate Supply Code field.
  9. To specify the doc where the parts are to be delivered, e.g., a cargo bay, enter the ID in the Dock Code field.
  10. To specify the area on the dock where the parts are to be delivered, e.g., a gate in the cargo bay, enter the ID in the Subdock Code field.
  11. To specify the number of the destination location for the part at your customer's site, enter the number in the Location No field.
  12. Save the changes.