Perform History Logging


This activity is used to directly execute or schedule a history logging for a risk analysis. It does not depend on the status of the analysis. A history logging takes a snapshot of the risk analysis information such as the problems, consequences, responses and actions at a particular instance.


System Effects


Risk Analysis Navigator
Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis Details

Related Window Descriptions

History Logging on Risk Analysis


  1. This operation can be performed in any one of these windows: Risk Analysis Navigator, Risk Analysis, Risk Analysis Details.
  2. Populate the window or query for the required risk analysis.
  3. Right click and select the Risk History Logging menu option.
  4. In the History Logging on Risk Analysis dialog box, verify that the correct risk analysis ID is selected and click OK.
  5. You can view the results of the history logging in the Risk Analysis History Details window.

Note: History logging can also be done as a background job. Do this by clicking on the Schedule button in the History Logging on Risk Analysis dialog box and then follow the steps in the wizard.