Connect Project and Contracts


This activity is used to connect a project, sales contract and a sub contract to the risk analysis record.


System Effects

Connecting a pre-defined project changes the following values on the risk analysis, on saving, if they differ from those defined on the selected project in IFS/Project:

If a program has been defined on a project that is being connected to the risk analysis, the risk analysis will inherit the Program ID and Program Description.

Connecting a pre-defined sales contract changes the following values on the risk analysis, on saving, if they differ from those defined on the selected project in IFS/Project:


Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis Details

Related Window Descriptions

Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis Details


Use the following procedure to connect an existing project to a risk analysis:

  1. On the Risk Analysis or Risk Analysis Details window, query for the risk analysis to find the record that you want to connect to a project.
  2. In the Project ID field, use the List of Values to select a project. You can also click Zoom to invoke the Project Details window to view project details.
  3. In the Sales Contract No. field, use the List of Values to define a sales contract record on the risk analysis.
  4. In the Sub Contract No. field, use the List of Values to define a sub contract record on the risk analysis.
  5. Click Save.