Analyze Cost Exposure Tracking Information


This activity is used to categorize and view the risk cost exposure information according to your requirement, once the history has been logged for a risk analysis.


System Effects


Risk Cost Exposure Tracking
Risk Analysis History Details

Related Window Descriptions

Risk Cost Exposure Tracking


From the Risk Cost Exposure Tracking/Exposure per Revision tab,

  1. Enter or query for the risk analysis ID that you wish to analyze.

Note: Once a risk analysis is in the Analyzed status it will have a history record created for each revision that can be viewed here.

From the Risk Cost Exposure Tracking/Exposure Sum per Month tab,

  1. If you select All in the Object Type field and query for the required company, the graph will show all the risk analyses that have either a project, sales contract or sub contract connected on the header level. The analyses will summed up by the company.
  2. If you select Project in the Object Type field and query for the required company, the graph will show all the risk analyses that have a project connected on the header level. The summing of the risk analyses depend on the selected check box. It is the same functionality for the rest of the listed objects.
  3. You can define a time period to analyze the risk history in the Time Period area.
  4. Click on a point to view the details of the risk analyses that have made up the point. The details will be displayed in the Risk Analysis History window.

From the Risk Analysis History Details window,

  1. Click on the relevant tab and query for the risk analysis ID that you wish to analyze.
  2. You will be able to analyze the risk history details by the risk analysis, risk problem, risk consequence, risk response and risk action.