Return Rental Assets from Project


To return rental parts that have been supplied from standard inventory at the end of the rental period the Un-Issue to Inventory option is used.

This can be done manually from the project demand or by using the Rental Transfer function.


The parts must have been issued from inventory to the project.

System Effects


Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Rental Parts
Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench
Rental Transfer

Related Window Descriptions

Project Navigator/Demand/Misc. Rental Parts
Manage Rentals
Rental Workbench
Rental Transfer
Un-Issue to Inventory


Option 1: Using un-issue to inventory

  1. Open the Project Navigator window and query for the project that will perform the transfer.
  2. Highlight the relevant project activity in the project navigator and click the Demand/Misc. Rental Parts tab.
  3. Select the part to return then select the Un-Issue to Inventory menu option. The Un-Issue To Inventory dialog box will appear.
  4. In the dialog box, fill in the quantity being returned to the desired location in inventory, then click OK.

Option 2: Using rental transfer

  1. Open the Project Navigator window and query for the project that will perform the transfer.
  2. Highlight the relevant project activity in the project navigator and click the Demand/Misc. Rental Parts tab.
  3. Select the lines to be transferred, right-click and click Create Transfer.
  4. Optionally, enter information about collection date and time, and the date and time on which the rental should be ended.
  5. Leave the receiving project info empty.
  6. Select the transfer quantity for each line.
  7. Click OK.
  8. In the Rental Transfer window select Finalize Transfer or follow the steps in the Manage Rental Transfers process.

Note: Alternatively, the Create Transfer function can also be started from the Manage Rentals or Rental Workbench windows.