Supplier for Purchase Part

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Use this window to link approved suppliers to purchase parts. The window is a cross-reference between supplier and purchase part information, which enables you to record multiple sources of supply for one purchase part. Use the upper part of the window to indicate the part number and to select a site as well as a supplier.

You can also use this window to convert a supplier to a customer and to turn a purchase part into a sales part two features that are useful for preparing external service orders. To define prices for different external services, use the External Service Pricing tab.

For a description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate link: General, Inspection Info, Price List, Rental Price List, Manufacturers, Consignment, Charges, External Service Pricing, Condition Code Pricing, Delivery Overheads, Emissions, Export Control

Activity Diagrams

BDR for purchase part
Basic data procurement, supplier scheduling
Enter and maintain warranties
BDR enter supplier
Manage structures
Manage supplier prices
Manage fixed supplier additions
Manage supplier discounts


Enter supplier for purchase part info
Enter and maintain supplier warranties
Enter document text
Connect delivery pattern
Specify consignment stock info
Specify use of customer owned stock
Specify use of supplier loaned stock
Specify receive case and inspection info
Enter supplier assortment info
Enter price list info
Enter Rental Price List Info
Enter Rental Price List for the Part and its Supplier
Enter condition code prices
Enter manufacturer info
Enter charges

Enter external service prices

Convert supplier to customer
Convert purchase part to sales part
Define multi-site planned part
Define multiple delivery overheads
Change price for the part and its supplier
Enter fixed addition for the part and its supplier
Enter a discount for the part and its supplier
Enter price list for the part and its supplier
Enter fixed addition in price list
Enter a discount in purchase price list
Enter Export Control in Supplier for Purchase Part