Move to Multiple Locations
Split Purchase Order Receipt into Serials
Receive with Differences

[General About Arrival and Receipt] [About Arrival Registration] [About Moving Parts in Receipt] [About Part Ownership] [About Customer Part Acquisition Value] [About Consignment Stock at your Warehouse] [About Parts Received into Stock] [About Parts Received handled as Consignment Stock] [About Part Serial Handling] [About Condition Codes] [About Catch Unit] [To Receipt]


Use this dialog box either to split a receipt line into several locations or to split an arrival into serial numbers.

Note: Depending on your previous choice you will not find all the below described fields/columns in the dialog box. Some of the fields will only appear in the Move into Multiple Locations dialog box, and some only in the Split into Serials dialog box. The fields/columns that will differ are all marked with an asterisk (*).

Activity Diagrams

Move into inspection location
Handle arrival
Move into stock
Re-inspection of receipts


Split into serials
Move parts from arrival to QA
Move into stock
Move into several stock locations
Move parts from stock and back to QA
View configuration