Project Exceptions/Resource Planning Exceptions
Activity Exceptions/Resource Planning Exceptions

[About Activities] [About Cost, Hours, Revenue Reported on Activity] [To Project Management]


Use this tab to view all the resource planning activities of the project that either have hours that have not been spread or a missing price. You can use the zoom functionality from the Activity Seq field to open up the Activity window and modify the resources. You can also use the zoom functionality from the Resource ID field to open up the Resource Group window and modify the prices.

The Unspread Hours field will have a value when there are hours from a resource planning line that have not been spread. The reason could be that activity dates have been changed and the hours have been spread manually or by date range in the resource forecast. To rectify one of the following should be performed, the resource planning line should be spread linear, the resource forecast should be redone or the planned hours should be reduced.

The Price Missing field will be checked when a price is missing for the resource planning line or for some of the dates within the resource planning line.

Every night an event message (ACTIVITY_RESOURCE_PLANNING_EXC) can be scheduled to send out information regarding the issues for all the projects. The name of the task scheduled is Project Exceptions.

Activity Diagrams

Execute Activity
Analyze Project Performance
Plan and Assign Resources


Evaluate Cost, Hours, Revenue and Progress from Connected Objects