Confirm with Differences via Change Order


When the purchase order is printed and sent to the supplier for confirmation, the supplier either confirms that it is possible to deliver according to your purchase order or confirms the purchase order with differences. The Confirm Purchase Order with Differences option is supposed to confirm a purchase order and also enter the supplier's modifications without creating a new purchase order revision. However, there are situations in which a purchase order cannot be updated directly. In those situations, it is possible to confirm the purchase order with the required modifications via a purchase order change order. Those situations are as follows;

  1. Changes are enforced to be processed via a purchase order change order (defined in the settings on the site and supplier).
  2. A purchase order change order has previously been used for the purchase order (all changes for that specific purchase order need to be processed via a purchase order change order).
  3. The purchase order is authorized and changes are not allowed after authorization (defined by the authorization rule).
  4. The purchase order is authorized and changes are allowed after authorization. However, the changes to be done with the supplier confirmation exceed the purchase order maximum authorized amount.

If the purchase order is in one of the above four situations, then you may use the Confirm with Differences via Change Order right mouse button option to open the Confirm Purchase Order with Differences dialog box. If the purchase order is not in any of the above four situations, it is still possible to use this right mouse button option, or the Confirm Order Lines with Differences right mouse button option.


System Effects

Note: When the purchase order is updated from a confirmation change order, a new revision will not be created.


Purchase Order
Purchase Order Lines

Related Window Descriptions

Purchase Order
Purchase Order/Part Order Lines
Purchase Order/No Part Order Lines
Purchase Order/Misc Order Info
Purchase Orders
Purchase Order Lines
Confirm Purchase Order with Differences
Confirm Purchase Order with Differences/Part Order Lines
Confirm Purchase Order with Differences/No Part Order Lines
Confirm Purchase Order with Differences/Misc Order Info


  1. Query for the appropriate purchase order.
  2. Right-click and then click Confirm with Differences via Change Order.
  3. In the dialog box that appears, change the required information and click OK. Click OK on the confirmation message that appears.