Add Valid Report Codes (Wizard)

[Project Reporting]


Use this wizard to add Valid Report Codes to a project, sub project or activity. The advantage with this method is that several Report Codes can be added (connected) simultaneously. This function is reachable from the following four windows:

Projects: Starting the wizard from this window adds (connects) the selected report codes to all available activities in the chosen project.

Sub Projects: Starting the wizard from this window adds (connects) the selected report codes to all available activities in the chosen sub project.

Activities: Starting the wizard from this window adds (connects) the selected report codes only to the chosen activity.

Project Navigator: Right click on a selected item in the project structure to reach the wizard. The Report Codes you add in the wizard will be connected to all underlying activities of the selected item (e.g. a subproject) in the project structure.

Note: When you add report codes via this wizard that are already connected to the activity, the new validity dates you specify will override the previous dates.

Activity Diagrams

Register Project Specific Basic Data