Set Task to Under Preparation
This activity is used to set a task to the Under
Preparation status.
To perform this activity, a task in the Incomplete
status with connected operations must exist on the maintenance order.
System Effects
As a result of this activity, the task will be set to
the Under Preparation status. When all tasks on a maintenance order are
in the Under Preparation status, the maintenance order can be released.
If the maintenance order has the Execution Logic
Structure distribution type:
- The instructions and subtasks connected to the tasks will be mapped into
correct execution logic orders (ELOs) in the execution logic structure (ELS)
that is defined on the maintenance order.
- The grouping and ELO nodes in the ELS will be sorted in the
same order as set up on the ELS template.
- The instructions and subtasks which do not fit into any of the defined ELOs will be mapped into the Ungrouped Operations node.
Maintenance Order
Related Window Descriptions
Maintenance Order/Maint. Order Str./Task Details
Maintenance Order/Included Tasks
- Open the Maintenance Order
window and search for the
necessary maintenance order.
- Click the Maint Order Str.
- In the graphical maintenance order structure select the task you want. The
Task Details sub
will be updated with information on the task.
- Right-click, point to Status and then click
Under Preparation.
Note: It is also possible to set the status of a
task to Under Preparation in
the Included Tasks tab by using the
above-mentioned Status feature.