This activity is used to move an operation within the execution logic structure (ELS). Both the operations that are already grouped as well as ungrouped operations can be moved from one execution logic order (ELO) to another in the ELS. Ungrouped operations refer to the operations that did not fit into any of the ELOs that were created when the ELS was generated. These ungrouped operations are automatically grouped into the Ungrouped Operations node in the ELS. You need to manually move these operations into the correct ELO nodes in the structure.
If dependencies exist for the operation in the ELO from which it is being moved, these dependencies will be removed when the operation is moved.
Note: When the operation is moved, it will be placed at the starting point of the new ELO and you must sequence it as per your requirements.
To perform this activity, an ELS must exist for the maintenance order and this maintenance order must be in the Under Preparation status.
As a result of this activity, both grouped and ungrouped operations will be moved and placed into correct ELOs.
Move Operation
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Exec. Logic Structure
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Exec. Logic Structure/Operations
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Exec. Logic Structure/Ungrouped Operations
Maintenance Order/Exec. Logic/Gantt
Note: This activity can also be performed by right-clicking on the operation node (grouped or ungrouped) in the graphical ELS structure, and then clicking Move Operation. Furthermore, ungrouped operations can also be moved by using the relevant right mouse button option in the Exec. Logic/Exec. Logic Structure/Ungrouped Operations sub tab.