Adjust Spare Part Forecast


This activity is used to make manual adjustments to spare part forecasts generated by the system or created by the user. The system creates spare part forecast records by disaggregating family forecasts (record type Disaggregated), rolling up past due forecasts (record type Rolled), importing Demand Planning forecasts (record type Forecasted), or tallying newly-booked customer orders (record type Order). You are only allowed to add new forecast records of the type Manual. You may modify the note text for any type of forecast record. You may not modify the forecast date, consumed forecast, or actual demand for an existing forecast record. You may delete forecasts of any type, provided the value of consumed forecast for that record is not > 0. 


System Effects

As a result of this activity,


MRP Spare Part Forecasts

Related Window Descriptions

MRP Spare Part Forecast


  1. Open the MRP Spare Part Forecasts window.
  2. In the Part No list, select the spare part for which to adjust the forecast.
  3. You can choose from among the following: Change the Forecast Qty or Note Text for a forecast line, enter a new forecast line of the type Manual, or delete an old forecast line.
  4. Save the record.