Role Delegation/Substitutes

[Time and Attendance Reporting] [Organization Administration]


Use this tab delegate access rights to substitutes. You can also view previous access delegations but only if they are valid during the day entered in the Valid on Date field. To have a better overview of all delegations, you can always visit the Role Delegations window.

This tab allows you to delegate all ranges of access. Full access will allow you to delegate every access right that the supervisor selected in the header has. Partial access allows you to delegate only a portion of supervisor's access. No access gives you an option of merely assigning a formal substitute that is supposed to perform supervisor's duties.

Note that if you are delegating access, you can also specify transaction access. This means that a substitute can have access to ,e.g., authorize employee expenses, but you can set it so he can only authorize expenses from a certain period (longer or shorter then the length of his substitution).

Activity Diagrams

Appoint Substitutes and Delegate Access


Delegate Full Access to Subordinates
Delegate no Access and Appoint Substitutes