Access Attributes

[Organization Administration


Use this window to inspect aggregated information about access attributes defined in the system.

Access attributes protect logical units. The term 'logical unit' is important to users who know how databases are structured. For most users, however, it's sufficient to know that each logical unit represents a functional area of the application. Therefore, we can say that access attributes protect various areas of the application. Only users who receive a specific attribute are able to access a corresponding area.

In this window, you can see how many attributes are protecting a single logical unit and what actions they allow for (registration, modification, removal of data). The name of the logical unit, visible in the Logical Unit ID field, reveals what it is responsible for.
Note: This window allows you to quickly activate and deactivate attributes by selecting or clearing the Active check-box. This is the only interaction in this window that allows you to change data. Everything else is just for informational purposes. If you clear all Active check boxes for a specific logical unit, it will be turned off completely and everyone will be able to access data it stores.

Activity Diagrams

BDR for Employee Access Management


Access Attributes Overview