External Payment Parameters

[External Interface for Payments in Cash Book]


Use this window to define external payment parameters for the external payment interface. These parameters are important for the purpose of processing payment transactions imported from an external file. You can modify the message codes to set up the parameter in order to process a transaction for payment formats. You can define different matching identifiers for your external payment and connect them to the available message codes. It is also possible to create rules to decide in which way the external file should be processed. E.g., creating several payments out of one external file, or by splitting the external file into several load ID's using a specified company identifier.

For the description of each tab in the window, follow the appropriate links: Message Codes, Definition of Identifiers, Segmentation Criteria, Company Identifier, Deduction Rules, Write-off

Activity Diagrams

BDR for External Payments


Define External Payment Parameters per Payment Method
Copy External Payment Parameters
Modify Message Codes in External Payment Parameters
Enter Matching Identifiers in External Payment Parameters
Connect Matching Identifiers to Message Code
Enter Segmentation Criteria
Enter Company Identifier in External Payment Parameter

Enter Deduction Rules
Enter Write-off
Modify Reason Codes in External Payment Parameters