Enter Measurement


This activity is used to enter the value that is obtained during the measurement of the object. A measurement is carried out on a parameter that has previously been entered for the object. You can also enter whether the measurement has been carried out on a special test point defined for the object.


Before the measurement is entered, the following must have been completed:

System Effects


Measurements for Object
Single Page Report In Work Order

Related Window Descriptions

Measurements for Object
Single Page Report In Work Order


Use the following procedure to enter the measurement for the object:

  1. Go to Measurements for Object window and search for the object.
  2. In the New Reading Value field, enter the measured value of the parameter.
  3. Verify that the Registration Date is correct. Or else change it to an earlier date/time to register earlier measurements.
  4. Enter relevant notes in the Measurement Notes field (optional).
  5. Save the information.
  6. Verify that the reading has been recorded correctly in the Recorded Value field of the table below.
  7. If the measurement type is Preliminary Reading, select the record, right-click and click Manage Preliminary Reading. If you are working in the Measurements for Object window, you need to select the record in the lower table.
  8. Use the Manage Preliminary Reading assistant to correct the reading. Using the assistant, the reading should be set as either Incorrect, Meter roll-over, or Meter Change.
  9. The reading will not be usable unless it has the Recorded Reading measurement type. If it remains as Preliminary Reading, then any later readings will also be set to Preliminary Reading, awaiting correction of the first Preliminary Reading record.