Assign Serials and/or Crew


This activity is used to create or modify the operational events and personnel for each operational event. 

You can assign vehicles to the different operational events and plan the personnel needed for each event. You also can follow up on each operational event, for example, changing the vehicle for an operational event if such a change is required. When an operational plan is completed, the number of operational events corresponds to the number of vehicles on the items. The part numbers and serial numbers of these operations are not shown and must be entered in the respective fields. Note: If an operational plan is to be executed daily, you can select the applicable row in the upper table, right-click, and then click Generate Events to generate the daily events.

When a serial is assigned to an operational plan, you will receive indications when a serial has overdue interval maintenance or pending maintenance operations.


System Effects


Operational Planning
Serial Operational Information

Related Window Descriptions

Operational Planning 
Operational Planning/Assign Vehicles and Crew  
Serial Operational Information/Operational Event


Follow this procedure to assign vehicles and/or crew to an operational event:

  1. Open the Operational Planning window and query (F3) for the necessary operational plan.
  2. Click the Assign Vehicles and Crew tab.
  3. To assign vehicles to the operational event, create a new record (F5) in the upper table of the tab.
  4. In the Part Number field, enter the part number of the vehicle assigned to the operational event. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  5. In the Serial Number field, enter the serial number of the vehicle. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. In the Operational Event Description field, enter a description of the operational event. If the event is generated from an operational plan, the description of the operational plan appears by default. The default value can be changed if needed.
  7. In the Operational Plan Item field, enter the preferred item number of the operational plan. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  8. In the Planned Start Date field, enter the start date and time for the operational event.
  9. In the Planned Finish Date field, enter the date and time the operational event is to be finished.
  10. In the Planned Value field, enter the planned time consumption for the execution of the operational event.
  11. In the Remark field, enter any additional information about the operational event.
  12. Save the record (F12).
  13. To assign personnel (crew) to an operational event, select the relevant row (in the upper table), place the cursor on the lower table, and create a new record (F5).
  14. In the Person Identity field, enter the ID of the person you want assigned to the operational event. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  15. Save the record (F12).
  16. If the operational plan is to be executed daily, select the row (in the upper table), right-click and click Generate Events to generate daily events. For more information, refer to the activity Generate an Operational Event.

Follow this procedure to assign vehicles and/or crew to a serial:

  1. Open the Serial Operational Information window and query (F3) for the necessary serial.
  2. Click the Operational Event tab.
  3. To assign vehicles to the operational event, create a new record (F5) in the upper table of the tab.
  4. In the Operational Event Description field, enter a description of the operational event. If the event is generated from an operational plan, the description of the operational plan appears by default. The default value can be changed if needed.
  5. In the Operational Plan field, enter the operational plan number. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  6. In the Operational Plan Item field, enter the preferred item number of the operational plan. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  7. In the Planned Start Date field, enter the start date and time for the operational event.
  8. In the Planned Finish Date field, enter the date and time the operational event is to be finished.
  9. In the Planned Value field, enter the planned time consumption for the execution of the operational event.
  10. In the Remark field, enter any additional information about the operational event.
  11. Save the record (F12).
  12. To assign personnel (crew) to an operational event, select the relevant row (in the upper table), place the cursor on the lower table, and create a new record (F5).
  13. In the Person Identity field, enter the ID of the person you want assigned to the operational event. Use the List of Values to select a value.
  14. Save the record (F12).
  15. If the operational plan is to be executed daily, select the row (in the upper table), right-click and click Generate Events to generate daily events. For more information, refer to the activity Generate an Operational Event.