Use this activity to update the system with information with regard to the correction of the NCR such as what needs to be done to correct the NCR, the date on which the correction will be made and who is responsible for executing the correction.
This activity contains a security checkpoint which can be activated by an administrator. With an activated security checkpoint on a function it is necessary to authenticate the user again in order to fulfill the function. Additionally, whenever a security checkpoint is successfully passed, a security checkpoint log is written creating an audit trail of what is done.
The NCR header should be in the In Progress status and the correction action line should be in the Dispositioned status.
As a result of this activity, the status of the correction action lines change to Corrected. The NCR header status remains as In Progress.
Non Conformance Report,
NCR Correction Actions
Non Conformance Report
NCR Correction Actions
Non Conformance Reports
Note: if you want to revoke the correction, you can right-click and then click Disposition. The Corrected Date and Corrected By fields will be cleared.