Selective MRP Run Criteria | Selective Project MRP Run Criteria

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Use this dialog box to enter selection criteria for parts on which you want to run selective MRP. Enter Part Number, Planner, Product Family, Product Code, Commodity Group 1 and Commodity Group 2, Part Type and Lead Time Code (with relevant wild cards if needed) as selection criteria. Enter low level code to run selective MRP for certain set of parts belong to the same low level code. Unlike running selective MRP for parts, when performing selective MRP for levels, MRP will not plan lower levels of the structure. Planner has to re-run the selective MRP including the next level in the next selective MRP run to affect the previous selective MRP run for the level.

Note: This dialog box works in a similar manner when executing project MRP.

Activity Diagrams

Perform MRP


Perform site MRP
Perform selective MRP
Perform selective project MRP