Cleanup Payment File Trace Information


This activity is used to remove trace information from an old payment file that no longer requires a follow up. 


Payment File Trace Information to be removed must not be connected to an existing payment order or to a payment order which was approved in a Mixed Payment.

System Effects

The records are removed from the database and therefore no longer available in the database.


Cleanup Payment File Trace Information

Related Window Descriptions

Payment File Trace Information
Payment Method


  1. Open the Payment File Trace Information window.
  2. Right click and click Cleanup Payment File Trace Information to open the Cleanup of Payment File Trace Information dialog box.
  3. Select a company if you want to remove payment file trace information of another than the default company.
  4. Select a payment method if you want to remove only payment file trace information connected to a specific payment method.
  5. Select the Days Before Current Date option to enter a number of days or select the Created Before option to enter a specific date to define the creation date until which payment file trace information should be deleted.
  6. Click Schedule to execute the cleanup as a background job.
  7. Click OK to execute the cleanup online.