Analyze Mixed Payment/Cash Box Ledger Transactions


This activity is used to view mixed payment and cash box transactions that have been approved and matched with an invoice or payment ledger items.


In order to perform this activity, approved mixed payment statements and cash box reports must exist for your company.

System Effects

This activity has no system effects


Mixed Payment/Cash Box Ledger Transaction Analysis

Related Window Descriptions

Mixed Payment/Cash Box Ledger Transaction Analysis


To analyze mixed payment/cash box ledger transactions:

  1. Open the Mixed Payment/Cash Box Ledger Transaction Analysis window.
  2. Use the Query or Populate function to view the transaction you want to analyze.
  3. If you want to view the mixed payment statement or the cash box report to which a transaction belongs, select the transaction, right-click and click Details. The Mixed Payment window or the Cash Box window will open (depending on whether the transaction is a mixed payment transaction or a cash box transaction).