RRP Load and Period Units

RRP does not work with the workload from MS. It also does not use the regular operation list. It uses only the resources you enter as operation resources. 

Note: Regardless of the period unit, the system does not consider the site where the workload originates, since master schedule sets are not site-dependent.

The workload shown can be of different kinds:

Work Center Load Description
Scheduled, over Workload from master scheduling, scheduled at present as overload.
Scheduled Workload from master scheduling.
Firmed, over Workload from incomplete shop orders, scheduled at present as overload.
Firmed Workload from incomplete shop orders.
Released, over Workload from released shop orders, scheduled at present as overload.
Released Workload from released shop orders.

Working with Different Period Units

You can view workload in different period units. If you base this on dynamic periods, specify the site from which you want to retrieve the periods. Different sites can have different rules for dynamic periods. When you study workload based on dynamic periods, you do not specify a date interval; you specify a period interval.

Depending on the selected period unit, the results can be different in terms of overload. If you study workload per day, there can be an overload for a certain day. If you study the same interval per week, this day's overload might not be visible because of available capacity during the rest of the week.

You also can study how well a work center can meet demands per month. When you study workload per month, remember that there can be overloads for some days or weeks that are covered by the entire month's capacity and are, therefore, not visible. If you study workload per month, but you enter an interval that covers only part of the month, you still see the workload for the entire month.

Example: If you specify that you want to view the workload from November 15, 1997 to December 15, 1997, the workload for all of November and all of December is shown.