Master Scheduling Level 1 Manual Update

On some occasions, Level 1 master schedules of many parts need to be revised across many time periods at the same time, to meet complex and changing business conditions, especially the frequent receipt of delivery forecasts from customers. The Master Scheduling Level 1 Manual Update activity can be used to make these adjustments.

After calculating the master schedules for level 1 parts, you can update the master scheduled receipts per planning period. The changes are propagated to the level 1 forecast master schedule receipts as fixed receipts per working day, outside the planning time fence, overwriting the existing receipts. The quantity per planning period is distributed evenly across the working days in that planning period. This is accomplished with the following formula, and then rounding the daily quantity according to the inventory part planning rounding factor. 

Fixed Quantity on Day for Period = (Quantity for Period – Previous Days Qty) / (Working Days in Period – Previous Days).

For example, if there are five working days in period 1, and an updated master scheduled receipt of three for the period, then the quantity would be distributed amongst the working days as follows with a rounding factor of zero (0):  

Period Working Day in Period Master Scheduled Receipts
1 1 1
1 2 1
1 3 0
1 4 1
1 5 0

Working days within the planning time fence are not considered, but the fixed receipts on the days within the planning time fence are factored into the calculation. If a period contains all non-working days, then the full quantity is placed on the previous working day outside the planning time fence. If a valid previous day does not exist, an error will occur. 

Once the manual updates have been saved, you must perform Level 1 Master Scheduling to generate the suggested orders and action messages based on your changes. The changes you made will not be overwritten, since the fixed receipts are not adjusted by the calculations.