Save Schedule Result to Database


This activity is used to save your schedule changes to the database. Changes are saved directly to the database when working with the Advanced Planning Board (APB), whereas the Scheduling Client sends changes to the Constraint Based Scheduling (CBS) Server first.


This activity requires:

System Effects

As a result of this activity:


Scheduling Client
Advanced Planning Board

Related Window Descriptions

Scheduling Client
Advanced Planning Board
Gantt Chart
Data Tree


Using the Scheduling Client:

  1. Open the Interactive Client. The Scheduling Client dialog box appears.
  2. In the Site field, specify a site that is connected to the Scheduling Server. Use the List of Values to select from available sites, then click OK.
  3. The Interactive Client opens and the Scheduling Server becomes unavailable for other activities.
  4. Make the desired scheduling changes by using the Gantt chart.
  5. From the File menu, choose Save. From the submenu, choose Database Save. The Save Schedule dialog box appears.
  6. In the Save Schedule dialog box, choose either Save Schedule and Release Server or Save Schedule.
  7. Click OK to save your CBS schedule changes to the database.

Using the Advanced Planning Board:

On the File menu, point to Save and then click Database Save. Any changes to the schedule will be saved. You will be notified if there are no changes to be saved.