About Shop Order Split and Shop Order Operation Split

There can be several reasons as to why you need to split a shop order or only an operation on a shop order.

There are different alternatives to perform split of a shop order or a shop order operation. They are,

A split can be performed if:

It is not possible to perform a split for a MRO Shop Order or a Disposition Shop Order. If there is an outside operation there are some delimitation related to the operation status if a split can be performed or not. Those will be described later in this document.

It's only possible to split the remaining quantity to report and it is independent of how the split is performed as well. It must always have a split reason to be entered.

There are some circumstances that the shop order split will not be allowed:

Split Shop Order

This split functionality is recommended if the shop order is in the status of Planned or Released. When you use the functionality Split Shop Order to perform the split operation, new shop order in the status of Planned will be created.

If there are material issued or reserved on the original shop order, the quantity of the material that belong to the newly created shop order will be released back into inventory and you need to reserve and issue the material manually for the newly created shop order from the split.

All operation transactions will remain on the original shop order independently if they belong to a quantity that is on the new shop order.

You can select to split from an operation, then all the operations earlier than the split operation will be kept with the original quantity on the original shop order. The split will be performed from the selected operation only.

Comprehensive Split Shop Order

This split functionality is performed by using a wizard. The wizard gives you an opportunity to manually select how the reserved/issued material and reported operations can be split between the original and the new shop order. This determines how the actual cost is split between the shop orders.

For component material selected to be incorporated in the new shop order created by the split process, transactions will be created to un-issue material from the original shop order and to issue material to the new shop order.

For machine and labor work selected to be incorporated in the new shop order created by the split process, transactions will be created to remove machine and labor work from the original shop order and to report it on the new shop order.

If operation time reported through shop floor workbench clockings has got split, the particular clocking records will be deleted.

You can select to split from an operation and if you do so then all previous shop orders will be kept with the original quantity on the original shop order. The split will only be performed from the selected operation.

If there are transactions on the shop order you intend to split and you can use Apply Excess to Split buttons. Only transactions that are for quantities higher than what is required for the original shop order new lot size, will be proposed to be moved to the new split shop order. The intention is to always keep transactions on the original shop order.

Split Shop Order Operation

This split functionality is useful if there is only one or some of the shop order operations that needs to be split. You can split the operation from either the Shop Order Operation tab or from the Shop Floor Workbench window.

If the operation is an internal operation then it is possible to split the operation to:

If the operation is an outside operation it's possible to split the operation to:

It is only possible to split to one new operation at a time, but an operation can be split to more than once. When an operation is split the new operation will get the same operation sequence number as the original operation. Transactions performed before the split will remain on the original operation. Split operation will be handled as parallel operations.

Operation linked material will not be included in the split and also the split operations are considered as a group that consumes the operation linked material.

Note: Material which is operation linked appears on the pick list just as a record for the original operation, not for any split operation. This means that all material is picked and delivered to the work center where the original operation is to be performed independent of if the split operations are performed on the same work center or not. If it is necessary to divide the material between the split operations then is this something that needs to be handled without support of the shop order pick lists.

By-products will not be split. Split operations will be considered as a group that all contributes to the expected quantity of by-products.

If the shop order head lot size is updated then it has an effect on the split operations. The original operation will primarily be updated, if it isn't possible then the first available operation will be updated. If there are split operations with complete quantities those will be taken into consideration when shop order lot size is increased or decreased to calculate the new split operation quantities.

If there is a need to adjust the quantities between split operation you can do this by using Adjust Split Shop Order Operations dialog box. It is also possible to perform adjustments of the quantities between the split operations by using the same dialog box. It also allows to set the quantity to zero, but you can never remove the original operation. This dialog box also provides the option to change the operation sequence for all the split operations at the same time. Since it is a condition, split operations that are parallel with all split operations receive the same operation sequence and it is independent of which the operation you try to perform the update from.

If there are split operations which has overlapped with the previous or next operations each of the those will be calculated individually and not as a group when start and finish times are re-calculated for the operations. As a result of this lead-time of the shop order can also increase. If there are split operations with overlap, adjust the overlap for the split operations if needed.


An operation split can just be performed on a shop order. it is not possible to split an operation already on the routing as a planned split in order to divide the work between different work centers and/or resources.

Neither is it possible to split operations on a DOP order. It is however possible to split operations on a shop order pegged as supply for a DOP order. If an operation is split on a shop order pegged to a DOP order then are not the split operations replicated to the DOP order. To be noticed is hence that replication from a DOP pegged shop order includes just date and quantity changes, not replication of operations added due to split. This is in line with how it works when adding an operation manually to a DOP pegged shop order.

Split Shop Order/Shop Order Operation including Outside Operation

If the shop order includes an outside operation there are some delimitations where it allows to perform the split.

If WIP is shipped to the subcontractor and you want to perform a split for an operation, you have to reverse the quantity to split from the subcontractor before it is possible to perform the split.

WIP is shipped to a subcontractor:

Outside operation is partially reported:

Outside operation is complete reported:


The table below is a summary about when to perform the different split functionalities depending on how far the outside operation has been processed.

Shop Order Data Split functionality
Outside Operation



















Shop Order


Shop Order



Planned/Released Planned No No No No   OK OK OK
Planned/Released Released No No No No   OK OK OK
Released Released Yes No No No   OK OK OK
In progress Released Yes Yes No No   Not Allowed OK OK
Partially Reported Partially


Yes Yes Partially No   Not Allowed Only available Qty

Only available Qty

Closed Closed Yes Yes Complete No   Not Allowed Only from

next operation

Not Allowed
Closed Closed Yes Yes Complete Yes   Not Allowed Only from

next operation

Not Allowed

Split a Shop Order with serials/lot batch number

If you perform the split by using Split Shop Order and the parent part is multilevel-tracked with an existing as-built structure, then the as-built structure of the serials and their lot batch numbers get assigned to the child shop order which has got lost. Not to lose the child shop order it has to be created in the Planned status.

If you perform the split by using Comprehensive Split Shop Order, the reserved serial numbers and lot/batch numbers will be distributed as indicated by you. Reserved as-built structures will belong to the shop order with the reserved lot/batch numbers.

Split a Shop Order connected to project

You can only perform split through the Split Shop Order. If the shop order is manually connected to a project activity or the shop order is connected via project delivery, the new shop order will be connected to the project/activity the same way as the original shop order which was before the split. The planned cost of the shop order is also split and the project activity is updated accordingly.